Saying goodbye is never easy to do. My Aunt Roxannee passed away a few weeks ago. Sudden;y in the hospital. She collapsed and was rushed to the ER. Pronounced dead a few hours later. There were over 400 people at the funeral. I went totheb urial in Manassa where she was buried next to my brother and sister.
She was 51. Her death certificate said sepsus, onset of hodgkins lymphoma and pnemonia. She had no white cells in her system to fight off the infection and does. She leaft her sweet children and her hubby Mike. I just don't even have words tos say. I feel bad they came out to Dev\nver a few months ago and I didn't k\go down because Blake is so hard in the car. Now I wish I would have gone to seeher. It's been a while since I have. Im sure she is having fun in heaven seeing her Dad and taking care of cousin Michael. I shed a tear nad get chocked up just thining about it. I worry about delane andGrandma. They were kind of like the triple trio. My mom is anti socail so she wasnt really involved withthem so much. But still loved from afar. I mnot sure what her plan was and why she decided to go so early.It was hard to go tothe burial. They had wonderfu things to say but its hard to replace the hurt with words. The pain inside rocks deep. Roxie really held things together. Im just so shocked and sadened by this.