Monday, February 22, 2016

quitea day

Here was my weekend I wanted to share
Friday- take kids to school. Clean house, go to walmart, race hom.Getbalake in the bath. While he is in the both a lady comes to the door an. I totally forgot I was suppossed to teach a lesson to her. The house was a wreck!!!!!!!! Blake gets out of the bath crying. He watches a movie while I teach her. I look up and its time to go to the school so I pick Blake up throw a diaper on him and stick him in the car. The lady looked horrified. I don't even have her phone number. Maybe she wont come back. Anyway I pick blake up and race to the church because I was suppossed to teach a lesson to Sean and the Murray kids.
Blake does a doo doo and takes his pamper off andis running around the church naked. I send Landon home to get blake some clothes and bring them back. Thankfullly he omes back before any parents walk in the door.
Im not sure teaching is going to be working out all the time it is so stressful sometimes. I was exhausted. I went to bed at 8 pm that night.
Saturday we woke up and everyoneleft accept me and Blake. the toilet over flowed and suddenly the ceiling in the basement was dropping water from 5 different places. I clalled some one for hep and we spent 20 minutes looking to turn the water off. By that time therewas water everywhere. Sewer water flodded the floor gross.
So we took everything ou t of the basement. I needto go threw it.TOday they ripped out the beautiful wood flooring and we will see what happens. i guess you could sy I am in shock a little bit. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring. We need a house that doesnt ruin out stuff,


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Don't Forget or it will be gone

Time passes so quickly and yet so slowly at times. i love picture i have always lovedpictures.Im not a good photographer but I still love pictures. I need to ake photos pfthe kids. I hope my birthday brings a new phone so i can take some pictures. I want some cute ones . I love capturing the moment. Its hard for me to move on and leave the past behind.I always want to take people with me or relationships of memories. Making them last forever. I like to remember the special moment.s i am a sap for those sort of things. Holding on to good times and good memories. Maybe because I am hiding from the pain of the past and sad things in my life. There aresome major things I want to change about myself this year. I   really need to committ and do so I can see some cahnges. Forst was read my scriptures everyday and secind was eat haelthier and lose the weight. Both are good goals and attainable. I need to be a better mother.Ive been working to much and i can tell.

Friday, February 5, 2016

What a crazy life

I hardely seem to have a minute to write. The new year came and went. The boys have started basketball season . Landon is playing both high school and Power to play. Taylor is playing rec. He got on a team with all the LDS boys in our ward which is great. Ladnon has had ablessing and is able to play up. so he is busy. Blake is growingu pfast. He did mess his pants today all up his back. He will wear underwear but still poops in the pamper. He makes us put it funny! He had a couple friends over to play Star wars today. Swords and everything.
Heather came out with the cousins for a couple weeks. It was so fun. I feel bad we had so much going on but the cousins did have a fun. They got to stay the night, rollerskating and jumpin. Blake and Brennan had a blast. Blake was sad when Brennan went home to stay.
Ive been teaching piano again. Ihave to say I really love it. Im also trying to work out but I have had a virus and so sick this week.Noappetite or anything. I even went tot he doctor, but I think Im getting better.
PHil hasn't made any moeny its been a hard couple of months. I've relied totally on piano and staying home and tyring not to spend. The boys have really been good about helping out. I feel blessed to be able to teach and work with so many awesome kids. I'vetried to see them as individuals and do what they need to with their music.
Taylor went on a field trip wit h his classt  to the Fort Collins Science museum last week. Sofun. He also had a friend MArcus over to play. We had a snowday.The snow was so deep.The boys helped dig dad out inthe morning and thenI had to have Dad come over and plow our driveway that afternoon.
The snow is still deeo but we went sledding and made snowman. Blake likes doing that. CLoey our cat has been whiney lately, I need to take her in. SHe is geetting old. Such a gret cat though. We pet her every night and she is nice to have round. In a way its good she can go downstairs in the unfinished room and hag out during the day when it's too cold outside.
We have bee nin this house almost 5 year.s I love it for us. I hope we dont have to leave.The location is perfect for the kids and church. If we have to move I hopeit isn't far. Ive been stressed out wbout PHils work and everything and hopeing somethings will change. He deosn't seem that happy but I suppose ot os ajob and we had it so well at Westin last 4 years. What a ride.  I know some good things will come again, we just have to be ready for them and be happy. I've tried to really let alot of things go. Im hoping to make some big changed this year.I sitll love my church calling with the musci and the kids. They have been great.I hope I don't ahave to get released. It helps me to see them every week.It brings joy to my heart. It has helped my testimony. SOmetimes I dont feel like going and they have helped me go. So happy about that.Anyway its Friday. We are cleaning and organizing the house and waiting for the boysto come home.