Sunday, June 21, 2020

I miss church

I never though I would say it but I miss church! i miss hearing everyone's testomonies! I miss listening to the music and singing. I miss the primary! i hope we can start up again again soon!

Religious Freedom

Never again will we be told we cannot meet to worship. Never again will we be told what and what is not essential in America. What stores can stay open and what stores need to close. Never again will we be forced to only shop at grocery stores and Walmart for  essentials while other clothing stores suffer. Restaurants have been closed for months, extra curicular activities and anything has been closed. Parks and open land have been closed. Fines for playing at the park with children? What has America come to? The land of the free and home of the brave. We need to be this now! Forced to wear a mask in public when cloth masks do not help stop the spread of COVID 19. like a sheep following to the slaughter we go as Amercians to give up our essential freedoms. People have turned against one another and trust has been broken/. We are afraind of catching COVIS 19 even though . 5 percetn die over 65years old! children have been banned from playing with one another. Schools are struggling to figure out what to do in the classroom. 6 feet apart! STOP the MADNESS! We are creating walls and boundaries that are going to take years to come down. Sudden;y Democarts and Republicans share a word. HATE. hating on both sides without any sense of compromise or unity. This is not what the founding fathers wanted. This isn't the Amercia they envisioned. Where is America? Where are the Americans? Where have they gone? forsaken teir freedoms, afraid to be human. De sensitizing people day after day forcing laws upon us like we are obediant children. Finally we are opening up. Businesses have suffered. People are suffereing. Suicide rates and anxiety are up 100%.

landon patriarchal blessing

We went and got Landons patriarcah blessing a couple of weeks ago from Patriach Despain. He has lived in Windsor fro 50 years. It was hot and a small room. We had to wear masks but the prayer was beautiful. I'm so happy and proud of Landon. his blessing talked about his blessings and future and to serve a mission, to read the proclamation of the family,  to get an education. he was asked about his talents and that they could be used for good and evil. Such a powerful prayer and statement. Love you buddy! Oh the places you will go and the things you will do!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Landon Graduation

Landon graduated! MAY 2020! Woot! Woot! I never thought this year would come! He graduated WCA and from seminary!Due to the COVID shutdown we had a small graduation. Only parents and a few staff were there. He walked across the stage and got his diploma. We were allowed to take off masks for the picture but then put them on again. That night some parents organized a drive by  parade with all the seniors and parents. We honked the horn and had a lot of fun. Then they met back at the park and threw their hats off and cheered! We had to do that in secret but so fun! Landon got the Athletic Award. He a lot got this patriarchal blessing last week. So it's been a big month for him. We are having a drive by graduation party tomorrow and then we are done. We are very proud of Landon and all he has accomplished. He has done awesome. I am still amazed that he is done. His plan is to work for a year and then go on his mission. He got a job at Walmart and is doing great! Many people have helped him get to this point in his life. His teachers and others.