Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 Today is thanksgiving! We have many blessing s to be thankful for even though 2020 has bee #poopoo.  It's cold outside and we are heading to Grandmas. it's going to be an awesome feast. I have some little pamphlets about the first

thanksgiving and so happy we can carry on this tradition. Phil has been sick this week so he is staying home but we will bring him a plate!

Gobble gobble!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Hobby Lobby

 It's  Sunday November 14. Things are starting to get bad again.  Shutting down.People are afraid of another shutdown. Our count shut church down due to the cases in COBID 19. I have to say I am teary eyed about it. i was really looking forward to church today. I need to keep myself positive. We ended up doing Home church and come follow me. We went to the park and over to Grandmas and played some uno. Landon went to the singles ward. I am grateful for Sundays together. Phil seems tired and worn out. Everyone is kindof hypermode right now due to not knowing. Anyway it is a beautiful day outside for fall and cold. I love it!!!!