Wednesday, November 30, 2016

TEmple Celebration

I need to write down my thought about the Fort Collins Temple being dedicated lately and the CUltural Celebration we were able to see. Landon was in the celebration and they have been practicing for months. Each stake presented a dance about Colorado .This was on the foot ball field at CSU. It was really awesome. BUt the cpp;est part of it was when president Uchdorf came out onto the field. The spirit was so strong. I don't think I ahve ever felt the spirit so storng.  Ever. This was just a testiment to me of how the spirit works. So cool. He truly is a prophet of god. YOu could feel the spirit of the Lord there. It was tuly remarkable. We just watched and so happy we were able to be art of that. landon is pretty lucky. He is pretty lucky to have been able to be in it because temple dedications only come every once in a while. I have been 2 times to the temple. I have tried to get there on my own. I need to help Phil get there soon.

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