Sunday, July 18, 2021

Wow time has passed

 It's Sunday morning. Ican't believe os much time has passed. This last year has felt like eblur. The kids styed home this year with COvid restrictions. Blake  and I tried to home  school one semester. he was happy to go back to school and  loved his teacher Mrs. Yackey! He criedwhen the  schoolyear was over. Ienjoyed having him at home. Phil went back to Loveland rFord but now has a new  job in Longmont. He has beenworking hard for our family. Landon  continued to work at Wlamart and got his mission call to Newport beachCalifornia. He leaves  in September. Taylor played bballand did  diving fro Windsor. he also built his  own computer and likes to game. ihave been teaching piano like a crazy person and started exercising again. I have tried  to let go of many social things and be at home.  

We  finally got to go to church. It was only an hour at first but now it is  2 hours. i  am happy to be  back in Primary. playing the piano  and being with the kids. I  feel like  many  things in the world  are changing. President Biden waselected President after a grueling election against Donald trump. Trump  did his best but sometimes evil and conspiring men have ways of manipulating the public. Great Grandma OUida moved  in  with my mom and  da. It has really been hard on them. Ihave tried to help a  little but franklyshe  needs to be in a home where she  can talk to people all day long. Iamnot sure how much longer my parents can  hang on.  

ilove my husband. It's been a very hard  alst few months. No matter what happensIlove  him and have been sohappy  with the life  we  have  created. Ifeelso blessedto lives here inWindsor and have 3wonderful boys and the church closeby. Ihave  my health. Ihave friends. 

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